Friday, December 15, 2006

Sunshine & Butterfly's

It's 7am, and usually about this time im deep in slumber dreaming about taking over the world, when suddenly I feel a gentle tug on my ear and the unmistakable gurgling of The Butterfly. As fas as she's concerned, I can dream about taking over the world all I want, as long as I dont do it on her time :)

I've never met a baby who wakes up every single morning in a good mood, and I do mean every single morning. She definitely didnt get that from me.

As you can see, today is Topless Friday. You know its going to be a Topless morning when she grumbles and moans as soon as you try and put her top on. Heres hoping this is a passing phase!

1 comment:

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

Butterfly has beautiful big eyes! You must be proud.

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