Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Thinking Of Tying The Knot?

So a friend of mine came to visit me not so long ago, and he say's he's thinking of getting married.

Now normally my response would be a pat on the back and a hearty congratulation, but not when you're 22 and can't spell "Congratulations"!! I mean, for Pete's sake!

Anyways, I did what any true friend in my position would do, and sent him to the "Pre-Marital Clinic." It's a new clinic that's opened for men who are thinking of tying the knot,and has been started by men who have untied the knot. The pic here shows an illustration of one of their patients being repeatedly kicked in the "Family Jewels" each time he thinks of his wedding.

Rumour has it that the clinic has a 100% success rate, and no wedding bells can be heard for miles.

What does this have to do with either The Maiden or The Butterfly?
Absolutely nothing, except of course that i'd be undergoing the same treatment as that poor guy on the floor if The Maiden ever reads this post.

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