Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is It Playtime Yet?

It's almost midnight and we'll be getting up in a few hours to have a meal in preparation for our first day of fasting, but as you can tell, The Butterfly has other ideas. Clocks, alarms, schedules and deadlines mean as much to her as a Sony Playstation does to a guy lost in a desert.

If The Butterfly wants to play and chat at midnight, you better have a fun game and interesting story to tell her, or she'll dismiss you with a sharp bark. Yes, you heard me right, a sharp bark. In 2 months we've never actually heard her cry. Instead she does this sharp single bark, almost like when you're barking an order and expecting your slaves to jump to attention. The Maiden calls it her "Imperial Cry". No tears, no crying, no fussing, just a single bark that let's you know who's running the show around these parts.

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