Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where real men fear to tread.

The face of calmness and serenity. Much unlike the one I witnessed less than 10 minutes ago when the Maiden experienced the first of her major contractions. Nothing like the movies I assure you. There we were, up in the loft, enjoying a quiet evening in, when suddenly the Maiden jumped bolt upright and hugged her tummy, evidently trying to calm the unborn Butterfly down. At that precise moment, no less than 2 feet away, I was torn between 2 equally important choices and had to make a split second decision... a) Crap in my designer Diesels out of sheer fright, or b) maintain some dignity and decorum and do the manly thing. For those unfamiliar with these 2 choices in a moment of panic, I highly recommend the 2nd option. Quick as a flash, I snapped open the laptop, googled 'contractions' with the ease and dexterity that would make Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible proud, and searched for a clue to enlighten the both of us as to what to do. Seems like these contractions will be the norm for a while, as they try and get in their 2 minutes of fame before the Butterfly comes into the world kicking and screaming. Oh, and after all that, I remembered to breath :) As the Chinese would say, "May you live in interesting times."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The countdown has indeed started! I'm shattered that I won't be around for my baby's arrival. I still remember the day the Maiden drove me home from work so I wouldn't be thinking up funny visuals for ads while my daughter tried to make her grand debut...those were the fun days indeed.
Anyway, Maiden, I've been thinking something lately... a nagging thot that has me got excited and tingly all over, I want to share it with you and know if you've been thinking the same thing... Okay, here it is, if your daughter is anything like your mad husband temperament wise - and hopefully not looks coz that would draw too much unneccessary attention to her, poor child* - she'll be exactly like... like... like.... yes, of course, like ME!!!

Okay, I concede, if she looks like a cc of you AND has the kaloo attitude then she'll look like Nida. In any case it's decided that she's gonna be nothing like you... which makes me wonder why you going thru this in the first place?!! Oops, too late now.

*Munchkin, I think you are god's gift to womankind, but you have to understand... a tiny baby can't handle your stunning looks. Not from the beginning.It's not practical. love & kisses.^^;

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