Sunday, November 26, 2006

To Angelina Jolie: How To Pout 101.

Another Day, Another Dollar

Thats The Butterfly at the end of another tough day at work :) The fact that this pic was taken at 3 in the afternoon is immaterial. When she says works over and its time to sleep, you better believe her!

How To Pull Tongue & Look Cute

She'll be 4 months on Tuesday :) After having a good look at these pics, im just glad she didnt get my nose!!

Who Needs A Sony Playstation?

This Playstation just looks like so much more fun.

Pinky and The Brain

That's me congratulating The Butterfly on her brilliant plan to take over the world!! (one cute pink outfit at a time)

Adventures in Pixieland

Ok, so I changed the look of the BlogSite just slightly.... if you don't notice the difference, it means 2 things. 1) I didnt do a really great job on the change, and 2) Im not as smart when it comes to blogging as I thought.

Anyways, im pretty sure half of you wouldnt have noticed any changes anyways since you only come here for the Sabreen's pics ;)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jam's and Shubnum

Thats my wingman Jam's and his better half, Shubnum. The Maiden stayed at home with The Butterfly due to the overcast weather, and Jam's and Shubnums little boy Pappi is very independant for his age, so he stayed at home as well taking care of some boy-stuff. (In case you're wondering, Pappi is their cat :)

SA's Most Die-Hard Supporters

We take our sport seriously, and waited almost 7 hours before they called the cricket off and we went home. The groundskeeper at Wanderers called us after we left because we forgot to turn the lights off at the stadium,and the old lady who lives in Flat 45 next to the cricket grounds could'nt sleep with those huge floodlights shining in her bedroom, so we turned back and did our civic duty.

Wanderers Owes Me Money!!

So Jameel, Shubnum and I planned this great Sunday at the cricket watching India get handed their curry-bums to them on a platter by South Africa, while "Smashin Sachin" makes a century trying to make the Indian scoreboard look semi-decent.

So much for what we expected! All we got was lots of drizzle, some rain, maybe some ball-tampering and even bowling some maiden overs, but unfortunately no action. (reminds me of my matric ball date!)

As you can see in the pic above, I think the covers came off and then back on again about 4 times, but nobody scored (again, memories of matric ball come flooding back!) Eventualy at about 6:45pm the umpires called the game off due to bad weather, and about 5000 grumpy Indians marched home. I kinda realised what Ghandi must have felt like doing his protest marches in the rain with his whole entire village beside him. Even though I came to see cricket but had'nt seen any, walking back to the car with the whole of Bombay behind me and drenched to the bone from the rain made me feel so unified and united with my fellow Indians :) No, really!

Oh, I hope Wanderers gives me a refund for my ticket. Those darn Discovery Box Seats are flippin expensive ;)

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Not the R3 million Wednesday draw, not even the R5 million Saturday draw... nope, we won the 28 July SuperJackpot, with a whopping first prize of a beautiful baby girl called Sabreen :) Now if these pics are anything to go by, she's gonna grow up to be just like her Daddy, work her cute butt off and surround herself with lots of money :)

For some reason, when I took these pics I couldnt stop thinking of my good friend Sabeeny :) Hey, if you're reading this, you owe me a long mail !!!

This Is My Laptop Wallpaper

She looks like a chipmunk smuggling nuts in her cheeks and planning to stash them somewhere for the winter :)

Psychedelic Hippie Baby

Flower Power Love Child showing off her cute butterfly outfit. Aadi asked me today how come most of her outfits have butteflies on them. Coincidence? I think not :)

Favourite Pics # 9

The women in my life.
Thats my baby sis Aadi, and the baby in the middle of course needs no introduction.... she is after all the star of this Blog :)

It's In The Gene's

At Aadi's salon again. Stars in her eyes, she was born to love the limelight.

Baby Party At The Salon

Baby Party at Aadi's salon.... actually it was just a client there with her kids, but Sabreen decided to grace them with her company. She looks a bit overwhelmed, maybe because this was the first time she's been surrounded by other kids. She's got that look that says "Im Alice, this is my Wonderland, now who are all these folk?"

Doctor Says She's Got HBS !!

For those that don't know, HBS is Happy Baby Syndrome. Theres no cure, and it's a lifelong condition. I think it's genetic and she got it from my side of the family, but The Maiden of course disagrees and say's it comes from the maternal side of the family gene pool. I've seen that family gene pool, and personaly I think it needs more chlorine, a stronger dose of HTH and a new Kreepy-Krauly :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Father & Daughter: A Portrait

I Caught A Fish This Big, Daddy

Picasso In The Making

The Picture Says It All

Thinking Of Having Kids?

Here's one reason why you may think twice.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Picture Bonanza Week

Daddy's Little Girl

Chubby cheeks loves the camera... a real attention seeker.

She's become so popular at the shopping complex, not a day goes by when folk dont stop by at the store and ask to see her. Lately there's a new trend doing the rounds: the ladies that work in the complex now come around a few minutes before they start work to spend some quality time with the new mayoress :) and if I dont bring her to the store for a day, you can actually see the depressed looks on their faces when they leave without having seen her.

I think I should start charging Visitation Fee's.... school fees are so darn expensive nowadays, I might as well start her education fund early ;)

Peeping Toms To Date