Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another Generation Pic

Huseinda, seated, is 95 years old, has a memory which would make most university students shy, and is also the only person I know who has recieved a letter from Mr Nelson Mandela himself congratulating him on his birthday this year. I kid you not, I had the honour of reading the letter myself.

As we sat there having our afternoon tea, Aunty Moona was in the middle of telling me the story of when they first moved in, and Huseinda, sharp as a tack, informed her that the year was 1955. I was totally gobsmacked! I cant even remember what colour socks I wore yesterday, and heres a man almost 3 times my age who can remember the month and year he moved into his home, almost 60 years back!!

We wish him many many more years of good health and amazing memory, and look forward to celebrating his century with him.

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