Since no red-blooded males blogger site is complete without a pic of his wheels, I thought i'd do the page justice by adding mine. The only thing faster than this car is the owner ;) ..... bracing myself for another thump to the head, courtesy of The Maiden....
Nothing can touch the GTI, you know it
And the Maiden's sister responds:
mmm....I thought this webpage was supposed to be dedicated to my beautiful niece???? What exactly is the car doing here...????
Could it be that the reason the "babe-mobile" looks so good, is cos its parked outside the "out-law's" house...???
Also, for future info, when you all do finally get to meet the Butterfly, just remember that she gets her gorgeous looks from the Maiden's side of the family.....!!
Luv ya!!!
kaloo, that photograph makes you look like a kaapie with no front teeth, and i won't ask you to do better cause that's not possible, thank god for shaakira and her good looks...
I so totally agree with anonymous Nida. I don't think anyone can pull The Merchant's pants down and run away like she can. but wots a kaapie?
and love, when are you downloading exactly? is your bun really gonna be named after my bun?
Hello, Significant Other!
Baby's due in November - and I would love to name her after your little bun....but it seems that its gonna be a boy, so definitely for the next one (assuming I survive the first experience!)
And please send me pics of your "little bun"....!
So, how long do u give the Butterfly before she has The Merchant wrapped around her tiny fingers???? I think about 2 seconds should do it....!
Take care - and pls visit soon!
Hey Maiden’s Sister! Firstly, apologies to ur husband for mistaking him for you – this secret identity business is indeed a dangerous game! Secondly, how are you honey?
Did I tell ever you how much I loved having you over at my house, and the beach trip afterwards? My monster didn’t allow for much intelligent conversation – let me assure you, I don’t always sing while I talk! – but the little that we did manage was great fun. Funnily enough, it was as if I was meeting a female version of the Merchant. Quick, sharp-witted, immensely bright and incredibly adorable. Then you also look like ur sis so you don’t fare that badly on the gorgeous chart either. Not quite as good as him of course, but close. Heehee. Now I understand why the Maiden’s always comparing you both…
Anyway, back to the bun business… so a boy, is it now? Cool, really cool, after all we could do with a few those around too! Arzaan is one nice name, if you ever want to consider. But I must say, I cannot help but think that this is almost as if the Maidens wish for twins is actually coming true! You know how she went on and on about that… But really, it’ll be great for these kids to grow up together. And great for you sisters to be ‘in it’ together as well.
Bout my baby making the merchant all wobbly at the knees I have no doubt about. If truth be told, fathers are usually more scared than excited about meeting their daughters, and trust me he can’t be any different. It’s the prospect of finally having to accept defeat and bowing down to the superiority of womankind – several times in a day sometimes – that does them in!! Ayub will be glad it’s a boy!
Take care sweetheart
(in case you need it, it’s sabluee@gmail.com - this way I can send you all the Foozy pics you'd ever want to see!)
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